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Week 6 Blog: My Three Sources

1st source: The podcast, “MCU Rewatch - Iron Man 3(2013)” from All-New Marvel Cast.

This source is a podcast about the Marvel movies: Iron Man genre and I found it on Google. The speakers of the podcast are Dylan Blight, Ashley Hobley and Ciaran Marchant. This podcast mainly discussed the gender role represented by the leading male(Tony Stark) and the leading female(Pepper) and some improprieties about the villain, Mandarian. In beginning of the podcast, 02:39—The host started the conversation and helped the guests to state their ideas by saying that “Ciaran, how do you feel about our elementary?”. Through the whole podcast, the host kept asking questions to the guests and sometimes interrupted other guests for controlling the whole podcast. I found an idea of one of the guests that was really matched with my opinion about the leading female in the Marvel films. In the podcast, 07:25—One of the guests said: “This brand portrays the best “Pepper”(the leading female) movie.” when all the guests and host are talking about the films. The guest was trying to say that compared with the Iron Man 1, Pepper was showing a stronger and more powerful characteristic in Iron Man 3 which taught us gender role for females.


2nd source: The Marvel films, Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 3.

All of these two films belong to the Marvel films. Iron Man 3 was directed by Joss Whedon and Iron Man 1 was directed by Jon Favreau. Iron Man 1 mainly showed and introduced us the characteristic of the hero, iron man and this characteristic tells us some good qualities for males. Iron Man 3 focused more about something that Iron Man 1 did not mention: the strength and the power of the leading female, Pepper. I am going to compare this two films in our podcast. There are some similarities of these two films that they all show some good gender roles for males by presenting the leading male, Tony Stark. However, in Iron Man 3, the leading female is absolutely the independent part of the film and in the movie I will use this scene of Iron Man 3 to help me demonstrate my idea about the topic of our podcast, 35:01—Pepper, in the iron armor, stood in front of Tony and protected him from the falling gigantic stones.

Compare to the Iron Man 1,this behavior really showed a brave and powerful characteristic of Pepper that she was trying to protect someone she cared the most. This scene really breaks the stereotype of women and teaches the gender role of women that every woman can be brave and strong enough to protect and save others, especially someone they love.


3rd source: the Jean Kilbourne video, Killing Us Softly

In week 1, we watched a lecture, Killing Us Softly which was given by the American speaker, writer, and filmmaker, Jean Kilbourne. In the lecture, Kilbourne wants to show us that in this world right now, the gender inequality is one of our main big problems to solve. She took a lot of researches about modern advertisements and she found that lots of these ads are vicious and wrong for young girls and women to initialize and formtheir own opinions about this world and about themselves. I want to use the most unforgettable part of the lecture in our podcast to show the audience that gender inequality is very serious and it is necessary for us to talk about the gender role. When Jean Kilbourne tried to show her idea that women had been priced and women and products had become the same, she showed an image of an advertisement of Gucci and said: "This young man is kneeling in front of this extremely thin woman-again we don’t see her face, that is irrelevant. Her pubic hair has been shaved into the Gucci logo. He is worshiping Gucci, she has morphed into Gucci."(36:57)

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