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EXTRA CREDIT: Farewell Responses to SIX classmates

1. Hi, Cicily! First of all, I am very happy for working with your guys in our final podcast and I find the importance of teamwork. Just as you say: "Maybe someoneelse's opinion will change your mind or show the weakness of your own." I agree with that working as in a group will improve our overall abilities of writing, reading, and communicating. It is time to say goodbye and I am really looking forward to work with you again! ^ ^

2. Hi, Tianai! First of all, it was my pleasure when we worked together in our final podcast group. Every member in our group did a great job. Then I want to say that you really have a profound and insightful thought about the term, "Feminism". I was truely happy when I saw that you were more confidant to fight against inequity after going through the whole course. Now, it is time to say goodbye and I hope we can work as teammates again! ^ ^

3. Hi, Jenny! First I want to say that I was really happy about working with you guys and the process of creating the podcast is so meaningful and helpful for our abilities of reading, writing, and communicating with each other. I feel the same that annotating various sources effectively connects with the course objective of applying reading skills to various kinds of text. It is time to say goodbye and may we all go well. ^ ^

4. Hi, Yi Jiang! I was happy that I can be in the same group with you for peer review. We actually gave a lot of useful and helpful suggestions to each other. I also have some problmes on English grammar and I just feel the same about, " As a second language learner my grammar is poor", so we need to work hard to improve our ability of English grammar. It is time to say goodbye. May all go well.

5. Hi, Baiyu! It is my pleasure to be in a group with you and to give feedbacks to each other. I highly agree with your point on time planning and arrangement because I am just same as you. I still meet the situation of catching up homework before deadline,too and we should make a reasonable plan to save and manage our time. It is time to say goodbye. May all go well.

6. Hi, Zoe. Time flies! I still remembered that we talked about the methods to success in this course and I believe we both make it at the end of this course! We all have problems of English grammar and I do agree with your point that The adaptive practice on Connect is actually a helpful tool to help us improve the ability of garmmar. It is time to say goodbye. May all go well.


Because of the Corona virus, all of my courses in UCI are taught online and remotely. After going through this whole course in an all-online environment, I learned that peer review was really important. Giving feedback to my classmates and Gaining feedback from them really improve my abilities of reading, writing, and communicating. "Understand the importance of peer review to your own reading and writing." is one of our course objectives and I can really connect this course objective to my own experience through this whole course. In week 6, we were creating our own podcast. Unfortunately, I met a lot of problems that I could not deal with such as how to paraphrase and summarize the scenes of the films. However, my group members in our discussion gave a lot of useful and helpful suggestions about the problem. At that time, I realized that how significant the peer review is, especially in such an all-online environment.

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Pre-Production Meeting & Blog

1. Our group members' pre-production meeting was holding during 19:30pm~20:00pm on February 16th. 2. Group member 1: Zebang Xia 1)Host of...


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