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WEEK 3 EXTRA CREDIT: Six Blog Responses & Blog

Cicily Liu

In Cicily’s blog, “Exploring the habits of mind”, she mainly talked about the definitions of 8 habits of mind and the benefits of these 8 habits. I got the same feeling about the habit “Persistence” that as for international students, we have to spend more time and make more efforts on one specific article to finish our assignments on time. Therefore, this is the main reason why we need “Persistence” to improve our writing skills and to study more and engage more in this class.


Jenny Kim

In Jenny’s blog, “Learning and Application”, she talked about what the Close Reading Practice: Looking into the Magic Mirror assignment was mainly about and how she did on this assignment and what she had gained from this assignment. The comments that she posted were really insightful and intuitionistic. We both agreed that reviewing the work that we did was really helpful and useful to improve our writing skills.


Tianai Guo

Tianai mainly discussed what the true and correct gender role of males and females was in her blog, “Focus on Proteins? Or the Soul?” by analyzing the lecture of Kilbourne. I could not agree more with her opinion that media only sell “proteins” and everyone of our society should be respectful to the opposite sex and make a fair judgement by “the soul of a body”.


Shenglin Ye

Shenglin was mainly talking about the 8 habits of our minds and the benefits of these habits of mind. I found that we had the same opinion about the habit of mind “Curiosity” that our curiosity about the articles were well-developed from the habit, “Curiosity”.


Ashley Yu

The blog of Ashley “Habits of Mind” mainly discussed the 8 habits of our minds and how these habits helped us to study and work better. Her idea about the “Openness” was really clear and similar to me because I highly agreed with her opinion that “Openness” would bring us a new angle to analyze something.


Iris Vu

I read “Habit of Mind”, a blog of Iris Vu and this blog mainly discussed what the 8 habits(Curiosity, Openness, Engagement, Creativity, Persistence, Flexibility, Responsibility and Metacognition/Reflection) were about and how these habits could benefit us. Her opinion about the “Engagement” that feedback of the classmates could improve our engagement was very insightful and reasonable.

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