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WEEK 1 Writing Experience


I think I am a writer when I finish reading an article or a paragraph of a book and I start to analyze the main idea of the article and try to use my own words summarizing it. I am also a communicator when I get some problems and try to communicate with others and find a perfect solution for my questions. My biggest weakness of my writing is that I am not a good and patient reader. When I was in the past class, AE 20C, I could not just sit somewhere quite and read a lot of things at once. And it led to a bad situation that I could barely make a good summary of an article because I always could not finish the reading part. I solve this problem with a method which is I forced myself to read at least one short article each day and after two weeks I got more patient and skilled on reading. My advantage on writing is that I can always explain one thing every clearly. When I was in AE 20C, my professor praised me once for a special explanation. There were only five students in the class who could give a good and clear exlpanation of our class object and I am one of them.

Language and Grammar Diagnostic at Connect

I got 70 out of 100 of my own Language and Grammar Diagnostic at Connect and I am not so surprised about the result. The questions of punctuation, comma splice and subject-verb are the three main knowledge points that I do not excel in. 70 out of 100 means I know some basic knowledge points about the language and grammar. However, some confused and difficult grammars are still new to me.

Summary of the core elements of the course

The syllabus of this 39A is mainly discuss some rules and information in the class like we need some extra texts and certain platforms to finish the course. We need to spend 12-14 hours a week to complete all the required work. The syllabus also tells that how can we do well in this class and the office hour. Our main coure objectives are that we need to find the relationship between the Disney films and the social construction and gender problems. And have these value changed over time? About the grade contract, we will get a B(84 out of 100) on our final grade if we accomplish every requirements such as attendance, required work and minimum requirements on assignments. If we want to get a score higher than B, we need to finish every assignment perfectly and with our own thoughts or do the extra credit assignment.

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Pre-Production Meeting & Blog

1. Our group members' pre-production meeting was holding during 19:30pm~20:00pm on February 16th. 2. Group member 1: Zebang Xia 1)Host of...


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